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Collaboration with LexisNexis

Soliman, Hashish & Partners is proud of our collaboration with LexisNexis in publishing a regular English update report for all new legislation including, inter alia, laws and decrees in Egypt.
Our law firm covered till now over 4000 updates since 21st of October 2019.
All regular updates are available to all subscribers to LexisNexis Middle East.
The Conceptual Compensation amount can be challenged, as an exception to the general rule, according to the ECC in three cases. The first case is when the defaulted party can prove that no harm affected the claiming party from his Breach of the contract, as an application to the principal of “No Harm, No Foul”. In such case, the judge may decide that despite of the validity of the Conceptual Compensation clause, the non-entitlement of the claiming party to the Conceptual Compensation.
Many thanks to Noha Hafez, Farida Rezk and Heba Shehab for their support in getting this collaboration done smoothly and perfectly!