
Online Application

The continued growth and success of our firm is a result of the hard work of our professional team and we are always seeking talented and ambitious individuals to join our firm. If you have a strong academic background and are looking for new challenges, we want to hear from you.
Soliman, Hashish & Partners is an equal opportunities employer and we recognise the benefits of diversity. We are committed to maintaining a fair working environment without discrimination based on race, colour, gender, religion, ethnicity, age, or disability.

The application must be fully completed to be considered. Please complete each section, even if you attach a resume.

    Personal Information


    [radio* employment-desired class:radio-control use_label_element default:1 "Full time" "Part time" "Seasonal/Temporary"]


    School nameLocationYears attendedDegree receivedMajor

    References (business and professional only)


    Employment History

    Signature Disclaimer

    I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my employment being terminated.