Corporate Social Responsibility

United Nations Global Compact

We, at Soliman, Hashish & Partners, believe in Henry Ford’s saying “a business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business”. Real success, for us, cannot ever be achieved without following the highest ethical standards, which is why our law firm has committed itself to abide by the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (“UNGC”).

These 10 principles should always be followed by all entities in order to maintain real sustainability and avoid being deemed as a poor business in the meaning given by Henry Ford.

In light of the above, Soliman, Hashish & Partners, at a glance, committed itself to acting in accordance with the ten (10) principles of the UNGC since the establishment of the firm in 2015.

United Nations Global Compact Network Egypt

We are proud that Soliman, Hashish & Partners is the only law firm in Egypt that was invited to participate in the foundation of the United Nations Global Compact Network Egypt (“UNGC Network Egypt”) where we were also represented on the Board of Directors by our Managing Partner, Mohamed Hashish, as a Secretary General.

The founders of the UNGC Network Egypt are as follows:

1. Banque Misr

2. Dar Al Mimar Group (DMG)

3. Egytrans

4. El Mansour Trading & Distribution

5. Foundation of Egyptian Industries

6. IARS Egypt

7. ICPM Group

8. Qalaa Holdings

9. Soliman, Hashish & Partners

10. The Egyptian Exchange

Our former membership of UNGC Network Egypt epitomizes our self-commitment to acting with integrity and transparency in fulfilling the responsibilities of our appointment.

Egypt’s Voluntary National Review 2021

Soliman, Hashish & Partners was invited to assist the Egyptian Government in preparing Egypt’s Voluntary National Review 2021.

Current Initiatives

Soliman, Hashish & Partners has adopted a number of initiatives including:

1. Covid-19 Layoffs, for more details please click here.

2. A full scholarship every year for studying the Master of Laws in International Trade Law at the United Nations’ International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, for more details please click here.

For inquiries related to our Corporate Social Responsibility, please contact

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