Dispute Resolution
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Dispute Resolution
Notable Transactions
- Acting as legal counsel to the Gianaclis family against the Arab Republic of Egypt in multiple litigation cases relating to the assets of Nestor Gianaclis that were nationalized in 1954 and are now worth more than 1 billion dollars.
- Acted as legal counsel to General Electric against the Egyptian Tax Authority in multiple litigation cases for claims of over EGP 200 million and secured a final judgement in favor of General Electric.
Key contact
Frédéric Soliman
Managing Partner
Mohamed Hashish
Managing Partner
Notable Transactions
- Advised VICAT SA on ICSID case against the Arab Republic of Egypt regarding shareholding interest in a multi-billion-dollar Sinai Cement Company covering, negotiating and drafting a settlement agreement between the Arab Republic of Egypt and VICAT SA to settle arbitration proceedings at ICSID.
- Representing a leading healthcare group in a major corporate despite involving, inter alia, an arbitration case before ICC in London.
Special Investment Dispute Settlement Schemes
Notable Transactions
- Acted as legal counsel to SABIS Holdings against multiple Egyptian Governmental authorities with respect to an investment dispute involving the title deed of multiple real estate properties and secured a judgement in favor of SABIS.
- Represented the Kellogg Company in a major international trade dispute and secured an amicable settlement in favor of Kellogg.
Key contact
Frédéric Soliman
Managing Partner
Mohamed Hashish
Managing Partner
Frequently Asked Questions
In order to enforce an arbitration award in Egypt, an enforcement order must be obtained by the competent Court of Appeal, providing that such arbitration award does not contravene the Egyptian public order or morality, and does not deal with rights over immovable properties located in Egypt, personal status or criminal issues.
In general, there is no restriction on foreign ownership of entities incorporated in Egypt except for limited cases such as entities: (i) undertake the activities of importation for the resale purpose , commercial agencies, and/or intermediary business; and, or (ii) are located or doing business in Sinai.
The Egyptian legal system is primarily based on the French civil legal system, various other European codes and religious law. In practice, religious law is applied only to personal status and family matters which are governed by the religious law of the individual concerned. The fundamental and organic law of Egypt is the Constitution thereof, which Constitution was passed in a referendum in January 2014 and amended in April 2019.
Generally, the Egyptian law does not recognize the concept of piercing the corporate veil, therefore, the liability of shareholders, in general, in Joint Stock Companies or allotment holders in Limited Liability Companies is only limited to the paid-up capital except in some limited cases.